Yefferson, Actually

At Yefferson’s new school, people mispronounce his name as Jefferson, which upsets him. His grandfather, Papá Yefferson, encourages him to speak up. The next day, he tells people his actual name. . . and they listen!

Discuss the Book

Meet “Jefferson”. Pages 1–9

  • Important Moment: On Yefferson’s first day of school, his teacher mispronounces his name when she introduces him to the class, calling him “Jefferson.” 
  • Ask and Share: What happens on Yefferson’s first day of school? Has anything like this ever happened to you or someone you know? How did it make you feel? How do you think Yefferson feels?

An Unwanted Nickname. Pages 10–15

  • Important Moment: The kids ask if Yefferson is named after Thomas Jefferson. He says no, but a kid starts calling him that.
  • Ask and Share: What does another kid call Yefferson? Has anyone ever given you a nickname? What was it? Did you like it? Why or why not? What’s the difference between a nice nickname and a mean one?

A Little Encouragement. Pages 16–21

  • Important Moment: At dinner, Papá Yefferson encourages Yefferson to correct people the next day.
  • Ask and Share: How does Papá Yefferson help Yefferson? Why do you think it was hard for Yefferson to correct people at the time? Have you ever felt uncomfortable about something you wanted to tell people? How could you handle it?

“It’s Yefferson, Actually!” Pages 22–33

  • Important Moment: The next day, Yefferson tells people, “It’s Yefferson, actually.” When everyone starts saying his name right, he feels much better.
  • Ask and Share: What does Yefferson tell people at school the next day? How does this make him feel? How do you feel after you do something hard? What could you do if you’re not sure how to pronounce someone’s name?