
With imagination and wonder, Rosalba and Abuela soar above the city. They wave to folks waiting for the bus, see ships unloading fruits, do flips in the air, and take a rest on a fluffy cloud. What a special day of adventures!

Discuss the Book

To the Park! Pages 1–9

  • Important Moment: Rosalba and her abuela are always going places. Today they’re taking the bus to the park.
  • Ask and Share: Where have Rosalba and Abuela decided to go? What are some of your favorite places to visit or spend the day?

City Sights. Pages 10–19

  • Important Moment: Rosalba and Abuela fly over the city. They soar above parks, streets, dogs, and people.
  • Ask and Share: Find the pages where Rosalba and Abuela fly over the city. Which colors, animals, people, and activities do you see? Which other small details can you find? What is similar about this city street and the place you live? What’s different?

Refreshing Break. Pages 20–27

  • Important Moment: Rosalba and Abuela land in tío Pablo and tía Elisa’s store for a break and a cold limonada. Rosalba says that flying is hot work!
  • Ask and Share: How do Rosalba and Abuela take a break from flying? Can you think of something that’s hard work, difficult, or challenging, but a whole lot of fun to do?

What an Adventure! Pages 28–38

  • Important Moment: Abuela and Rosalba finish their flying adventure and start another one, boating in the park.
  • Ask and Share: What was your favorite part of Rosalba and Abuela’s adventures in the book? If you could fly and flip through the sky, what would you want to do? What would you want to see from above? Who would you take with you?